Mechanics of Material Vol 2

This book provides concise study notes that cover the mechanics of materials. This is Vol2 of the series.

Material mechanics, also known as solid mechanics or mechanics of materials, is a branch of mechanics that focuses on the behaviour of solid materials when subjected to external forces or loads. It is a fundamental field of study in engineering and physics and plays a crucial role in designing and analysing structures and mechanical systems. Material mechanics seeks to understand how materials deform, break, and respond to various types of forces and loads.

A UK university course on the mechanics of materials, often offered as part of engineering or materials science programs, typically covers the fundamental principles and concepts related to how materials respond to external forces and loads. Upon completion of the course, students should have a strong understanding of how materials respond to loads and be able to apply this knowledge to analyse and design engineering structures and components. Simply put, Mechanics of materials is a fundamental course for engineers, as it forms the basis for more advanced courses in structural analysis, materials engineering, and mechanical design.

Day 1 – Revisiting stress and strain 3
The big picture 3
The Saint Venant principle 4
The Equilibrium 5
Single shear and double shear 8
Longitudinal VS lateral stress 9
Sign convention 10
Unit convention 11
Day 2 – Revisiting the beam 13
Axial deformation 13
Cross sectional area 14
Beam again 14
Another example: 23
One more example: 24
Finding deflection at different points of a beam structure 27
Day 3 – More complicated setups 29
What a spring is involved… 36
Day 4 – Thermal Stress 39
What is Thermal Stress 39
Coefficient for Thermal Expansion 41
One way to solve an example problem 42
Example problem with springs involved 46
Day 5 – Torsion 52
What is Torsion? 52
Calculating Torsion 52
What about moment of inertia? 53
Right hand rule 55
Example – solid shaft 56
Example – tube 57

This is NOT an officially endorsed study product. We are a third party developer NOT affiliated with any of the official exam authorities. We specialise in developing clear and concise study notes with material relevant for the exam and/or assignment. Our concise study notes provide a condensed version of the main concepts, ideas, and key information, making them easy to review and revisit when studying for exams or preparing for assessments. They allow learners to quickly refresh their memory without having to go through lengthy materials, saving time and effort. By distilling complex information into concise summaries, learners are forced to identify the most important points, aiding in better understanding and retention of the material.


Author: ycthk

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